Í form

11. apríl 2006

Ég lenti í því um daginn að grennast. Fólk spyr mig stöðugt hvernig ég fór að því og ég er orðinn dauðþreyttur á því, því eins og allir vita, þá er ekkert leiðinlegra en að hitta gamla vini og það fyrsta sem þeir segja er "vá, ferlega ertu orðinn grannur og stæltur og vel vaxinn og almennt fallegur, you sexy thing". Óþolandi.

Til að stöðva þennan óþverra ætla ég að lýsa því í eitt skipti fyrir öll hvernig ég fór að.

Ég læt klukkuna alltaf vekja mig klukkan 5 á morgnana svo ég geti ælt og grátið smá (tárin losa um salt sem bindur vökva, svo það er betra að vera óhamingjusamur). Svo fer ég aftur að sofa. Klukkan sjö fer ég á fætur og sprauta mig með rafgeymasýru sem veldur brennandi sársauka sem útilokar hugsanir um mat. Sýran veldur líka ógleði, svo ef ég er heppinn næ ég að æla svolítið hressilega. Klukkan átta fer ég í ræktina þar sem ég puða þar til ég svitna seigum, brúnleitum vökva sem getur leyst upp málma. Í hádeginu fer ég á klósettið þar sem ég sniffa amfetamín og æli. Síðan fer ég í mötuneytið og sleiki salatblað. Fæ alltaf pínulítið samviskubit yfir því, en maður verður víst að nærast. Eftir hádegismatinn finnst mér gott að drekka fimmtán bolla af kaffi, sem ég æli auðvitað aftur, enda inniheldur hver bolli talsvert af þúsundum úr hitaeiningu.

Ég elda mér alltaf hamborgara í kvöldmat. Svo horfi ég á hann á meðan ég brenni á mér handlegginn með kveikjara og öskra og græt, en eftir það hendi ég hamborgaranum. Svo sprauta ég mig með heróíni, æli pínulítið, og ef ég er í stuði fæ ég mér meiri rafgeymasýru. Svo tek ég alltaf eina góða stólpípu fyrir svefninn, en það hjálpar mér að melta kolvetnin sem ég sleikti af salatblaðinu í hádeginu. Í rúminu les ég Biblíu fallega fólksins og strýk yfir myndirnar af Gillzenegger með fingurgómunum. Á meðan sýg ég gamlan frottésokk, úr honum fæ ég nauðsynlegan dagsskammt af trefjum.

Ég fann þessa tækni sjálfur upp og kalla hana "Gleðikúrinn®". Bókin kemur út í næsta mánuði. Ég veit að þetta hentar ekki öllum, en búi maður yfir agnarlítilli sjálfsstjórn þá er þetta alveg málið.

Nei, ég er nú að plata pínu. Galdurinn sem ég beitti til að komast aftur í mitt gamla góða form var að borða minna og hreyfa mig meira. En það trúir því nú enginn. Það er nefnilega bannað að komast í form í dag nema maður éti pillur og prótínhristinga og fylgi Atkins-kúrum, kolvetnakúrum, South beach-kúrum, Hollywood-kúrum, dönskum kúrum eða kúr-kúrum og borði ekkert nema bygggraut úr trogi. En það er einhvernveginn ekki minn stíll.



Ég tala daglega fyrir daufum eyrum. L: en þú hefur þyngst - hefurðu verið að mæta? K: ....j..já. L: En ertu þá að borða eitthvað meira? K: ...n..nei...? L: Þá er bara að æla meira!!! Múhahaha!........... Nei. Þetta er basic 101. What goes in must be used - otherwise it stays in - and on.


Hmmm, "K"... Kalli?


Hahahahaha! Nei......... bara kúnni.


Ég ét eins og svín. Ég þyngist ekki nema ég hreyfi mig. Ég hefði gott af því að bæta á mig ca. 5 kílóum, jafnvel 10. En það þyrfti þá líka að vera í formi vöðva. Þegar fólk segir að það sé ekki auðvelt að vera fallegur er það að bulla. En líklega veit það bara ekki betur því það hefur ekki hitt mig. Annars finnst mér heróínparturinn af gleðikúrnum heillandi. Ég er viss um að ef ég myndi pumpa á fullu og sprauta mig myndi ég líta út eins og sambland af Iggy Pop og Chris Cornell. Fyrir þá sem ekki þekkja Chris Cornell þá spilaði hann á gítar og söng í Soundgarden. Ef þið þekkið ekki Soundgarden þá syngur hann líka í Audioslave en ég vil ekki tala um það.

Stefán Arason

Er næring í ælu? Nei, bara að pæla....


Já, Kalli, það er erfitt fyrir menn eins og okkur að fela fegurðina sem hreinlega frussast allsstaðar út úr manni. Hvað varðar kúrinn, þá finnst mér rafgeymasýran skemmtilegri en heróínið. A.m.k. fyrstu mínútuna, áður en h´ún byrjar að bræða æðaveggina.


Mér finnst ungir menn eins og þú eigi ekki að tala um það á opinberum vettvangi að þeir hafi lést og að allir eigi að vera léttir og að lífið snúist um megrun og að þeir geti farið að gráta. Ungir menn þurfa að taka ábyrgð á orðræðu sinni. ps. þú ert líklega með þann albesta húmor sem ég hef nokkru sinni lesið OG AF HVERJU ER MÉR ALDREI BOÐIÐ Í RAFGEYMASÝRU? HA? ÞÚ VEIST HVAÐ MÉR FINNST ÞAÐ GOTT! MÚHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO


"Galdurinn sem ég beitti til að komast aftur í mitt gamla góða form var að borða minna og hreyfa mig meira" - Hugi Þórðarson Já, ég lifi viðbjóðslegum lífstíl -- ég borða nær eingöngu draslmat, heng fyrir framan tölvuna allan daginn og hreyfi mig aldrei *shudder*, enda slíkt bara fyrir fegurðarmeðvitaða apa ;). Nei, mitt trikk er einfalt: Blekking á blóðsykursmekanisma líkamans. Ég vakna upp úr hádegi, og í stað þess að fá mér morgunmat þá fæ ég mér glas af kóki og reyki eina eða tvær sígarettur. Þetta heldur mér góðum í svona 5 klst. að því gefnu að kókið og sígaretturnar renni ekki að þrotum, en þá er kominn kvöldmatartími. Kaupi ég mér einhvern greasy viðbjóð, ét hann, reyki meira, svolgra síðan í mig kóki þar til ég sofna snemma um morguninn og sef órólegum kaffeinsvefni. Já, þetta er lífstíllinn, fólk. Ég er í *kjörþyngd* ;)


Anna, AUÐVITAÐ ertu alltaf velkomin í rafgeymasýru, veit ekki hvað ég hef verið að pæla að gefa þér aldrei að smakka. Spurning hvort þið kíkið ekki niður um hæð á páskadag og við getum þá deilt saman einum bikar af henni, eins og Jesús og lærisveinarnir forðum. Þetta er gott stöff. og að fá húmorsstimpilinn frá þér er náttúrulega eins og að heyra orðin "vá - þú ert með stærstu tungu sem ég hef á ævinni séð" frá Gene Simmons. Sveinbjörn, ég vil gjarnan tileinka þínum lífsstíl kafla í bókinni um Gleðikúrinn®, hann er til fyrirmyndar. Ungt fólk hefur ekki svona aga í dag, ég kenni versnandi uppeldi um.

Logi Helgu

Ákaflega skemmtileg lestning...nú vantar bara "leiknu" heimildarmyndina :)


Úúúú... er minn bara farinn að slá um sig með tilvitnunum í meðlimi Kiss? Er semsagt tónlistarskorpan farin að skila árangri? Megum við eiga von á að sjá Huga Þórðarson svart- og hvítmálaðan í framan á næsta Smalagiggi? Hlakka til.


Sveinbjörn. Maður borðar ekki hengikjöt, er það nokkuð? Hugi - ég tek undir með önnu. Það hafa fáir náð því að sárgræta mig af hlátri. Þú og Pedroinn eigið stóran þátt í krampakenndum innsogs símtölum blindunnar þar sem hún reynir að breiða út boðskapinn, en frussar bara í tólið í staðinn. Kannski þess vegna sem enginn svarar lengur?


Kalli, hvað finnst þér um sólódiskinn hans Krissa? Af hverju hætti hann sólóinu og fór í Audioslave? Hljómsveitin dregur úr kúlleika hans. Það finnst alla vega þessari læðu.


Ég held ég hafi heyrt eitt lag af þessum sólódisk og það var bara OK held ég. Var þetta samt ekki allt down hill eftir Soundgarden? Reyndar er ég enginn aðdáandi enda lítið fyrir grunge en Soundgarden er alveg hægt að hlusta á.


Linda, nei, ég held að ég hafi aldrei séð hengikjöt borðað. Ef frá eru taldar nokkrar myndir með John Holmes, sem ég vil helst ekki tala um. En ég þakka fögur orð í minn garð. Og tek undir Pedró-hlutann, hann er húmorsleg ástin mín eina. Daníel, ég hlusta raunar ekki á Kiss, en ég er mikill áhugamaður um tungur. Og í sumar mun ég fara upp í Biskupstungur til að fylgjast með ráðstefnu samkynhneigðra kórdrengja. Og fyrir ykkur hin sem eruð að spjalla um Audioslave, þá vil ég benda á að það eru til úrræði fyrir svona fólk. Það er bara málið að leita hjálpar nógu snemma, og ekki vera feiminn.


Í nafni alls þess sem heilagt er... ekki bendla MIG við þann hroðbjóð sem Audioslave er!!! Ég er sómakær maður!

Lois Hennessy

Hello from SendBulkMails.com, We have a special limited offer for you to send unlimited emails. We allow non-permission based emails and you won't ever get blocked. We also buy your domain for you and give you a clean IP and setup your DNS records. Check us out on SendBulkMails.com

Marietta Allman

Hello from BestLocalData.com Due to the pandemic BestLocalData.com is shutting down on the 14th of May. We have more than a 100 million records of Key Executives all over the world. We hope that this Data will serve other companies to succeed in their marketing efforts. We have reduced all the prices to next to nothing on our website BestLocalData.com We wish you the best in your future endeavours.

Eloisa Espinal

Hello from SendBulkMails.com, We have a special limited offer for you to send unlimited emails. We allow non-permission based emails and you won't ever get blocked. We also buy your domain for you and give you a clean IP and setup your DNS records. Check us out on SendBulkMails.com

Ebony Gladman

Hello from order-fulfillment.net, Doing your own product shipping or order fulfillment in house? Tired of it? Visit us on www.order-fulfillment.net We can store, inventory, and manage your drop shipping / order fulfillment for you. Based in the US for almost 2 decades - we ship around the world and will save you time and money. Who would be the best contact at your company to discuss? Here are some of the items we ship for clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Thank you! Fulfillment Warehouse https://order-fulfillment.net

Gordon Kleiber

Are you looking for the best way to market your business? FbCourses.net has the answer.. Not sure where to start, or what to do? Why not learn from the best. All of the best. We are offering at never before seen prices all of the top courses for one insanely low price. If you have been thinking of how to generate more leads, website traffic or sales today is the day. All courses are available in full with immediate download on FbCourses.net Not sure which one you like, for the next 24 hours we are offering the entire suite of courses for the lowest amount you could possible imagine. Check us out : FbCourses.net You could be driving new income or starting the new side hustle today!

Lily Bugg

Hello, It is with sad regret to inform you that BestLocalData.com is shutting down. We have made all our databases for sale for a once-off price. Visit our website to get the best bargain of your life. BestLocalData.com Regards, Lily

David Mathis

We at BestLocalData.com has been hit badly by Covid-19 and as a result BestLocalData.com is shutting down. We provided the best data to companies to find their right customer base, we don't want other companies to go down the same path we went and go out of business. As a result we are providing our data till the end of the week at the lowest possible prices. BestLocalData.com

Carmela Robison

Hello from order-fulfillment.net, Doing your own product shipping or order fulfillment in house? Tired of it? Visit us on www.order-fulfillment.net We can store, inventory, and manage your drop shipping / order fulfillment for you. Based in the US for almost 2 decades - we ship around the world and will save you time and money. Who would be the best contact at your company to discuss? Here are some of the items we ship for clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Thank you! Fulfillment Warehouse https://order-fulfillment.net

Maritza Zepeda

Hello from FbCourses.net Want to pay $0.01 a click? We got you covered. A great team of Global Digital Marketing experts have compiled this list of 13 Best + Free Facebook Advertising Training, Classes and Courses to help you learn and excel at Facebook Ads & Marketing. Thousands of professionals have already benefited from this list on Facebook Training. Regards, Maritza

Abel Macleay

It is with sad regret to inform you that because of the Covid pandemic BestLocalData.com is shutting down at the end of the month. We have lost family members and colleagues and have decided to shut down BestLocalData.com It was a pleasure serving you all these years. We have made all our databases available for $99 (All of it for $99) for those interested. Kind Regards, BestLocalData.com Abel

Indira Balcombe

Hi , I am following up on my message below. Who would I speak with about handling your US order fulfillment and shipping? Regards, Indira order-fulfillment.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, Who would I speak with at your company that manages your product shipping and order fulfillment? We are US company, offering warehousing, order fulfillment and drop shipping to our customers since 2005. Here are some of the items we ship for clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -E-com product drop shipping -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Health and Medical supplements -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Do you have some time to discuss - phone / email ? Thanks, Fulfillment Specialist www.Order-Fulfillment.net

Salvatore Chauvin

Hello. Need leads for your business? We have a limited offer where we sell almost 400 million executives around the world in 165 countries for $299. Or you can buy your country individually for $99. www.SunDataGroup.one

Odette Stauffer

We have an amazing database of leads for you. All countries are $99 and you can buy the entire world 165 countries for $179. This offer is valid till Friday. www.SunDataGroup.one

Monserrate Pedroza

Hello. It is with sad regret to inform you we are shutting down. We are selling our entire leads database 366,295,395 Companies / Executives. for $179 All countries are $99 and you can buy the entire world 165 countries for $179. www.SunDataGroup.one

Javier Kortig

Hi from Order-Fulfillment.net Who would I speak with at your company about any of your order fulfillment and drop shipping needs? My company Order-Fulfillment.net can warehouse, inventory, and manage your drop shipping / order fulfillment for your customer orders. Based in the USA for almost 2 decades, near major USA air and sea ports. Here are some of the items we currently pick, pack and ship for clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Thank you! Fulfillment Warehouse Order-Fulfillment.net Drop Shipping and Order Fulfillment Specialists since 2003

Marilynn Staggs

Hello from SunDataGroup.com We are selling leads from around the world. I thought your company could benefit from it. You can visit our website www.SunDataGroup.com to see some of our data. We have a special offer running. All our databases for $99.

Mamie Binkley

Hey! Get all the leads you ever need. We have a special offer running BusinessLeads101.com. Stop paying Facebook and Linkedin and get a once-off solution. Regards, Mamie

Maude Parr

Hello, My name is Johan, I am a PHP programmer that specializes in data driven web applications. Anything related to PHP, MySQL, Data scraping etc. If you have any custom jobs you can add me on skype to discuss your requirements. Skype: cmsdevelopers Regards, Johan

Elise French

Hi , Who would I contact at your company that handles ordering your logo products, t-shirts, and promotional items? For over 20 years we have been creating and supplying our clients with all their custom logo merchandise. We can put your logo onto anything including: -Custom Printed T-shirts / Hoodies -Pens -Mugs -T-shirts -Bags -Banners -Table Covers -Key chains -USB flash drives ---plus 350,000 other items! We also offer PPE items such as hand sanitizer and masks. Are there any upcoming projects that you need logo items for? Thanks in advance for your time. Regards, Elise Custom Branded Product Specialist

Jefferson Satterwhite

We have a one time limited offer. 366,295,395 Leads for $20! BusinessLeads101.com!

Johan Fourie

Hello. For the first time ever we are offering our contact marketing software to companies. If you have a B2B product that you would like to promote via contact forms or our dedicated email servers service feel free to contact me on: Skype: cmsdevelopers Telegram: https://t.me/custommarketing2 WhatsApp: +27 72 280 1952 Phone: +27 64 210 1993 Regards, Johan Fourie

Dewayne Wegener

Hey, want to send unlimited emails monthly? 1) Clean IP 2) Domain 3) Full Cpanel access Visit us. www.tinyurl.com/MarketingUnlimited

Amparo Nisbett

Hi from Order-Fulfillment.net Who would I speak with at your company about any of your order fulfillment and drop shipping needs? My company Order-Fulfillment.net can warehouse, inventory, and manage your drop shipping / order fulfillment for your customer orders. Based in the USA for almost 2 decades, near major USA air and sea ports. Here are some of the items we currently pick, pack and ship for clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Thank you! Fulfillment Warehouse Order-Fulfillment.net Drop Shipping and Order Fulfillment Specialists since 2003

Carmelo Braund

10,000+ High-Quality eBook Super Pack WITH FULL UNRESTRICTED RIGHTS You get instant access to a stunning collection of 10,000+ high-quality evergreen ebooks of unique PLR content created around hot trending topics such as internet marketing, health, fitness, self-help, social media, making money, etc. https://tinyurl.com/10kEbooks

Patrice Gipson

Hello! Limited Time Offer - Complete LinkedIn Leads - $49 https://tinyurl.com/LinkedInDatabase

Adalberto Ross

Hey, are you starving to find the right leads? CompanyLeads.org has launched a limited time offer that covers all the countries in the world. At $149 once-off you get access to over 300 million leads categorized, targetted and ideal. Instant access and delivery. Visit CompanyLeads.org Regards, Adalberto

Elke Chan

Need Business Leads in 152 countries? We are having a shut down sale! tinyurl.com/ShutDownDeal

Ralf Bogen

Find new customers for your product or service by automatically contacting them with your personal message via automated contact form submission. You can submit any kind of content. $99 per 1 million please specify which countries you prefer the rest will be made up of the rest of the (closest) countries if there isn't enough. You can contact me on telegram: custommarketing2 skype: cmsdevelopers Buy it here: https://shoppy.gg/product/mYmRfLu

Constance Harman

Life is a blueprint of successful chances and opportunities. Those who win grab these opportunities as they pass by.. https://bitcoinbillionare.me/

Yvonne Raker

Buy 100k Visitors on hugi.io. Boost your ranking in google and search engines. Your website, a product, you name it! Offer is Valid till 4 February 2022. https://marketingguru.sell.app/product/100k-visitors

Myles Breeze

Want to Rank No.1 on Google for your business? We can put hugi.io as the first result everytime! https://cutt.ly/No1OnGoogle

Lacy Wooldridge

Hey. https://datalist.biz/ has made available its databases for the first time to companies. Please visit us for our limited time offer. https://datalist.biz/

Mozelle Frost

Hi, Who would be the best contact at hugi.io to discuss your 3pl, Order Fulfillment and Drop Shipping needs? We are based in the US and offer 3pl, Order Fulfillment, Drop Shipping and Logo Products since 2005. Here are some of the items we ship for our clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -E-com product drop shipping -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Supplements -Health and Medical supplies -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Do you have some time to discuss - phone / email ? Thanks, Order Fulfillment Specialist Florida, USA

Liliana Hazon

Hey. https://datalist.biz/ has made available its databases for the first time to companies. Please visit us for our limited time offer. https://datalist.biz/

Ouida Woodd

Hey. https://datalist.biz/ has made available its databases for the first time to companies. Please visit us for our limited time offer. https://datalist.biz/

Korey Crowder

Hi, Who would be the best contact at hugi.io to discuss your Order Fulfillment, 3PL and Drop Shipping needs? We are based in the US and offer warehouse services, Order Fulfillment, Drop Shipping and Branded Logo Products since 2005. Here are some of the items we ship for our clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -E-com product drop shipping -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Supplements -Health and Medical supplies -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Do you have some time to discuss - phone / email ? Thanks, Order Fulfillment Specialist Florida, USA

Latoya Lysaght

Hello, It is with sad regret to inform you that DataList.biz is shutting down. We have made all our databases available for you at a one-time fee. You can visit us on DataList.biz Regards. Latoya

Debbie Jensson

Hi, Who would be the best contact at hugi.io to discuss your Order Fulfillment, 3PL and Shipping needs? We are based in the US and offer warehouse services, Order Fulfillment, Shipping and Branded Logo Products since 2005. Here are some of the items we ship for our clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -E-com product drop shipping -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Supplements -Health and Medical supplies -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients and prospects Do you have some time to discuss - phone / email ? Thanks, Order Fulfillment Specialist Florida, USA

Windy Seevers

It is with sad regret to inform you DataList.biz is shutting down on 25 March 2022. We have made available databases per country for all companies available.. You can view our samples and download databases instantly on our website DataList.biz

Tegan Seaborn

It is with sad regret to inform you that companyleads.org is shutting down. We have made available over 300 million records for $149. Regards, companyleads.org

Leonida Handy

Hello. We are offering Bullet Proof SMTP servers that never get suspended. Email as much as you want. DMCA ignored, bulletproof locations, 100% uptime guaranteed, unlimited data transfer, and 24/7/365 support. 100 Spots available. BulletProofSMTP.org

Percy Etienne

Hello. It is with sad regret to inform you TopDataList.com is shutting down. We have made all our databases available for you for a once off fee. Visit us on TopDataList.com

Patty Mosman

Hello, from CustomData.info we are a provider of unique databases that could help your business. Please visit us at CustomData.info to see if we can help you. Regards, Patty

Gonzalo Truax

Hi, my name is Gonzalo from TopDataList.com We are ceasing operations on TopDataList.com and have made our leads available at a discounted price. Visit us on TopDataList.com Regards, Gonzalo

Valentina Huddart

Would you like to send targeted messages to website owners, just like this one? Contact Page Marketing.. We will deliver your message to website owners, excellent for B2B products. https://cutt.ly/ChatToUs

Kandis Vandiver

Hello, did you know that there are 241,120 internet directories in the world. These websites are what drive traffic to YOUR business. Want more traffic? Want more Sales? We can help - today. Your website hugi.io is listed in only 87 of these directories. Get more traffic for your British Indian Ocean Territory audience. Our automated system adds your website to all of the directories. You can find it here: getlisted.directory/hugi.io Act today, and we will expedite your listings and waive the processing charge!

Celina Ellington

Convert hugi.io to an app with one click! 80% of users browse websites from their phones. Have the App send out push notifications without any extra marketing costs! MakeMySiteMobile.com

Isaac Boothby

Hello, did you know that there are 241,120 internet directories in the world. These websites are what drive traffic to YOUR business. Want more traffic? Want more Sales? We can help - today. Your website hugi.io is listed in only 87 of these directories. Get more traffic for your British Indian Ocean Territory audience. Our automated system adds your website to all of the directories. You can find it here: getlisted.directory/hugi.io Act today, and we will expedite your listings and waive the processing charge! We have a special going on. Use "FRIENDS" on checkout for a 50% discount valid today.

Damaris Yates

Hello. It is with sad regret to inform you LeadsTree.org is shutting down this week. We have made all our dataabses available at a one-time fee. LeadsTree.org

Trista Dougharty

Hello, I regret to inform you that LeadsTree.org will shut down Friday. We have now made all our databases available to the public on our website at a one-time fee. Visit us at LeadsTree.org

Elke Saenz

Wocaro is a ending its lead provider service at the end of the year. We have made all 365 million leads available for a once off fee of $15. You can view the samples here: https://wocaro.com/samples And go to our homepage to get instant access Wocaro.com

Leonor Stovall

Hello hugi.io, We noticed you are only listed in 18 out of a possible 10k+ directories. You can view your ranking here: https://directoryregistar.info/hugi.io?id=MTg= Get more traffic, leads and sales by having your business rank high on search engines. We've automated everything that we possibly could to make submitting your website a breeze. Visit us on https://directoryregistar.info and get submitted 10k+ directories. We have a promotional offer running this weekend for an All Inclusive, One-Time Fee Of $49!

Rick Young

Hello hugi.io, We noticed you are only listed in 18 out of a possible 10k+ directories. You can view your ranking here: https://directoryregistar.info/hugi.io?id=MTg= Get more traffic, leads and sales by having your business rank high on search engines. We've automated everything that we possibly could to make submitting your website a breeze. Visit us on https://directoryregistar.info and get submitted 10k+ directories.

Gia Norcross

Hello, MegaLeadsTree.com is shutting down. We have made available all our leads in 145 countries at a one-time fee. Visit us on MegaLeadsTree.com.

Brigette Jiminez

DataList2023.com presents all the new leads for you per country! Visit us on DataList2023.com

Melva Smerd

Hello, we visited hugi.io and noticed you do not have a mobile application. We have a service that provides mobile Apps to companies just like yours. You can learn more by visiting us on MakeMySiteMobile.com Regards, Melva

Joshua Garrett


Candida Gagner

Hi, Your website is only listed in 8 out of a possible 12,489 directories. We are a service that lists your website in all these directories. Please visit us on DirectoryBump.com to find our more. Regards, Candida Gagner

Leonora Lofland

If you’ve spent any amount of time marketing online, you probably learned that one way to make money is by creating content that will send people to sales or opt-in pages.Visiting us at https://onlinegptpro.com can help you learn to work with Chat GPT to direct traffic and increase sales. Getting clients engaged and headed to your sales page takes effort. You must think about what to write, research for details and ideas, and write and check the content. This can become overwhelming. Let https://onlinegptpro.com show you how to push traffic to the correct pages with creative content and original ideas. Looking to create short stories, long ebooks, or even writen books for Amazon. We can assist you in finding the best ways of using ChatGPT to find your inspiration. With standard content creation, you’ve got to: -> Spend hours researching for good ideas on what to write. -> Spend even more time writing and proofreading your text. -> Sit down and pound out the entire thing key by key *or*... ​​-> Pay a freelancer through the nose for it, never knowing if they are or what quality they will deliver. ​-> Get crazy if you don't know what to write about a specific subject you know nothing about. ​-> Win writer's block. It is the biggest problem when you need content and ideas in a fast way. As you can see, this process is so daunting that most people don’t even attempt to generate any content, which is the key to success nowadays. Content is king if you want people to visit your website, blog, sales, and opt-in pages. Visit us on https://onlinegptpro.com/

Myrna Trevizo

It is with sad regret we are shutting down. We have made all our leads available for a one time fee on DataList2023.com Regards, Myrna

Nora Tramel

Hello, Tired of paying thousands of dollars for leads? We have made the entire LinkedIn Database (B2B and B2B) available for $15 145 countries included. Updated 2022. Instant Delivery. View samples here for each country: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UIiRok89yaFJMs09Hg3-uRXHc0jE5ITp You can get it all for $15 here: DataLeadsTree.com

Hubert Geils

Hello, We noticed hugi.io is only listed in 8 out of 2500 directories. This severly impacts your backlinks and search engine rankings. Come get listed in all 2500 directories on DirectoryBump.com

Erna Metcalfe

Get our database of 25 Million top Companies for $5 LeadsBox.biz

Kelsey Filler

www.LeadsBox.biz Free Unlimited Business Data for your company this holiday season

Velda Pickens

Hey! Come test out our beta project LeadsFly.biz and come get your free business leads. Regards, Velda

Corinne Howitt

Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint Become A YouTube Celebrity... …Even If You Have NO Ideas And You're Not Sure Where To Start... https://marketingfriend.biz/?product=youtube

Isla Victor

Hi hugi We are proud to present our new website for all your B2B and B2C data and advertising needs. https://hugi.marketingfriend.biz We offer a large range of products and to assist you in getting ahead this new yeah with better advertising and reaching more clients in your specific niche. Our products include all of the following: We provide a free live search on site so you can see the amount and type of data we provide. Pre-compiled B2B and B2C data sets with all the necessary fields\columns included to assist you reach your clients. If we do not currently have the data you are looking for we are also willing to assist with custom data collection. Mail servers setup for you able to send over a million mails per day or as per your specifications. “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” Henry Ford. https://hugi.marketingfriend.biz Regards, MarketingFriend.biz

Leroy Fair

Hi hugi.io We noticed your website hugi.io is only listed in 12 out of 2500 directories. This has a severe impact on your online global presence. You can get listed in all 2500 directories for a once off fee of $99 Come visit us on https://hugi.companyregistar.org/hugi.io

Coral Moffitt

Hi hugi.io, We visited your website hugi.io and think that we might have the perfect leads for you. We are a global lead provider covering all industries that include consumer and business data. Feel free to look through our samples on our website https://hugi.leadsfly.biz/hugi.io If the samples are not to your liking, talk to us live on site and we might be able to provide you with the exact data you need Please visit us at https://hugi.leadsfly.biz/hugi.io Your Future Favorite leads provider for 2024 Regards, Coral

Ronny Gutman

Hi, Want thousands of clients? We have compiled a list of all consumers and business's across 149 countries for you. We have a special that is running today and valid till the end of the day. Come check us out: https://hugi.leadsmax.biz/ Consumer Records: 294,582,351 Business Records: 25,215,278 Selling at $99 today only.

Maritza Lusk

Hello, We noticed your domain: hugi.io is listed in very few directories. Directories have a very high Page Rank Score and provide really good back links Company visit us on Company Registar and list your domain in all the directories. https://hugi.companyregistar.org/hugi.io

Zoe Lodewyckx

Hello, We noticed your domain: hugi.io is listed in very few directories. Directories have a very high Page Rank Score and provide really good back links Company visit us on Company Registar and list your domain in all the directories. https://hugi.companyregistar.org/hugi.io

Xiomara Mesa

Hi hugi.io We noticed your website hugi.io is only listed in 9/2,500 directories. We have a service that lists your company in all the directories globally. It supports all countries, all services, to boost your SEO and get you those high quality back links that directories offer. We have a promo running for a one time fee of $99 Visit us on https://hugi.companyregistar.org/hugi.io to get listed.


Hi, We are a provider of premium databases for companies. I want to know if you need any sort of data for your business? Please respond to this email and let us know what you are looking for. Regards Johan


Dear Sir/Madam This will greatly impact your page rank, the more increased directories your company is listed in, locally or globally, the greater your back links you have and the better you rank in Google - Bing - Yahoo. Never has it been easier to promote your domain Just a few inputs and our software willl do the rest. No more fretting about CAPTCHAs - email verification or manual link building. We've automed all that we could have to make submitting your domain a breeze. See your domain on the first page. We will register your online property to numerous directories and give you a detailed report on the status of each submission. Although we have automated the submission process to a large extent, some of the submissions may require manual action which could cause a slight delay. Making your life simpler CompanyRegistar.com

Hellen Woodworth

Hello, It is with sad regret that after 12 years, LeadsMax.biz is shutting down. We have made all our databases available on our website. 25 Million companies 527 Million People LeadsMax.biz

Willard Ono

Hello It is with sad regret to inform you that PCXLeads.com is shutting down We have made all our databases available to the public. Search your hugi.io, industry, phone numbers, emails, people.. 25 Million Companies globally 500 Million Professionals 143 Countries Included Get all this in our shutting down special for $149 Regards, PCXLeads.com

Titus Aldridge

Hi If you need some fresh new leads for this last push to the end of the year, look no further. At blulinedata we have done all the hard work for you, offering fresh data sets all ready for use. Every data set you buy from us gaurantees you a new contact. Our datasets have already been cleansed for you, having not a single record without contact information. We are growing our data sets to cover the whole world and any industry you can think of. Every dataset is priced per record so never end up spending money on excessively large datasets you do not actually need. Feel free to browse through our current selection and request any country you would be interested in via our chat. For an end of year special, enter chat requesting bludata sale discount to get up to 50% discount on any data. Regards, BluLineData.com

Lavonne Bridges

Hi! Is your website not making the sales that it should? We build highly branded shopify stores. Be your own boss, you want a BUSINESS, not a website only! The best value for your money (17k happy clients) We provide you with lifetime support! No sales in 30 days from our system? Get a full refund Come get your shopify site built for you and dominate your market. PCX Group.com

Alice Slayton

Hi Do you use Google Maps for finding companies / suppliers / clients? We grabbed all 25 million companies from google maps, including addresses, Industries, Phones, Emails, Websites, Lat/Long, many more.. Get it today for $4.99 https://b2bdata.mysellix.io/product/all-countries Start your 2025 off with a lot of clients in the bag. Offer valid today.

Larry Albritton

Want a mobile App for hugi.io for $15? Come join checkout our Christmas special and get your App now https://zundee.click/?affid=affiliateking&url=hugi.io

Wally Oxendine

Hey from Zundee! Happy new year to you! We have made all our databases / client lists available to companies. Companies, People, Job Titles, Phones, Emails, you name it! Visit us: https://zundee.click

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